
Spotlight: Blokhaus leadership featured in Authority Magazine

Spotlight: Blokhaus leadership featured in Authority Magazine

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The Blokhaus leadership team has been speaking to Authority Magazine about Web3 marketing, the future of the crypto industry, gaming and more.


Authority Magazine is a Medium.com publication dedicated to sharing interviews with leading authorities in “Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech.” Alongside interviews with luminaries including Venus Williams and Mark Cuban, Authority Magazine has also spoken to three members of the Blokhaus leadership team in recent weeks - founder and CMO Mark Soares, Director of Marketing Carolyn Rogers, and Creative Director Jenny Mauric.

You’ll find extracts of the conversations below, alongside links to all three full-length interviews. And if any of these articles have sparked your interest, let us know via our Contact Us page.

Mark Soares, CMO and founder of Blokhaus On The Future of Gaming (March 21st)


“If you gamify an NFT, you’re bringing utility and entertainment to the NFT itself. [...] I think that’s the way Web3 gaming should be done, rather than trying to force gamers who enjoy their games as they are to embrace NFTs as add-ons. That doesn’t work.”

In his interview, Mark provides an overview of his background in marketing, and his journey into the world of blockchain and Web3, which began in the mid-2010s. He also explains how Blokhaus came into existence and dives into the specific needs that the agency was created to solve. In addition to marketing and communications support, Blokhaus is also a product lab, and Mark goes on to discuss animatronic NFTs (aNFTs), a new in-house development poised to revolutionize Web3 gaming.

Read the Interview

Wisdom From The Women Leading The Blockchain Revolution, With Carolyn Rogers, Director of Marketing at Blokhaus (April 23rd)


“Blockchain is not only a technical innovation, but also a social and economic one. Yes, it helps to read things like the Bitcoin whitepaper and understand the basics of the technology, but it’s also easy in this industry to over-glamorize the tech and lose sight of solving real problems.”

In her interview, Carolyn describes some of the challenges of working as a woman in the blockchain technology space and addresses the pervasive influence of “crypto-bros” when it comes to public perception of crypto and Web3. She also shares her vision of a blockchain-enabled future where the technology “fades into the background” and meaningful projects and applications (rather than meme-coins) come to the fore.

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Meet the Disruptors: Jenny Mauric, Creative Director at Blokhaus on the 5 Things You Need to Shake Up the Web3 Industry (June 22nd)


“There is almost nothing that creative cannot solve. Creative makes products work, creative distills ideas, and good creative will create differentiation and trust for your project.”

Blokhaus Creative Director Jenny Mauric can do it all. In this interview, she describes her journey from the world of traditional agencies into Web3, and why “make it work” should be a mantra for every creative working with clients. Jenny also offers her opinion on the right way to be disruptive in Web3, and how how to avoid the problem of “big lofty ideas” leading to unusable products. Hint: some wheels don’t need reinventing.  

Read the Interview


Blokhaus is a marketing and communications agency with a focus on Web3 and emerging tech. Since we were founded in 2021, Blokhaus has supported numerous high-profile projects and activations around the globe, working in partnership with some of the biggest brands in the world. To learn more about our work, check out our Case Studies. To get in touch, visit our Contact Us page.

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